Mount Pleasant Assault Lawyer
Criminal Defense Against Charges of Violent Crime
At our Mount Pleasant law firm, Jeffrey D. Lynch, P.C., we defend clients in criminal matters throughout central Michigan. Our attorney has decades of trial experience. We use that experience to provide the aggressive defense and knowledgeable advice you need to navigate the criminal justice system. To discuss your case in a free initial consultation, call 989-546-4486, toll free at 888-339-4768.
Addressing Violent Crime Accusations
An assault charge can range from a misdemeanor, simple assault and battery, to a capital offense or murder. There are many offenses in between, such as aggravated assault (one-year misdemeanor), felonious assault (assault with a weapon) and assault with intent to do great bodily harm (10-year felony).
The frequency of resisting and obstructing charges has also substantially increased in recent years. Almost anything is now looked at, by the government, as resisting a police officer.
When facing criminal charges, you need a lawyer who has the skill and determination to fight for you. Crimes of violence carry stiff penalties. A strong defense can make all the difference in protecting your future. We can defend you against all types of criminal charges, including:
- Assault
- Aggravated assault
- Disorderly conduct
- Kidnapping
- False imprisonment
- Murder
- Manslaughter
- Negligent homicide
- Domestic violence
- Stalking
- Sexual assault
- Resisting and obstructing a police officer (R & O)
Our firm focuses on minimizing the impact of the charges on your life. If possible, we will work to keep the matter off your criminal record. If that is not possible, we will help you deal with the potential ramifications beyond simple guilt or innocence. Issues such as required anger management counseling, registration as a sex offender, no-contact orders and prohibitions against owning or possessing firearms may all be involved in your case.
Domestic Violence Lawyer Serving Central Michigan
The law on domestic violence may have undergone more changes in the last 25 years, than any other law (possibly second to drunk driving). An experienced attorney in this area is essential. The law now permits for virtually all of the defendants past conduct to be admitted in trial (even uncharged and non-convicted accusations).
The charge alone usually results in a bond condition requiring no contact between the defendant and the complainant, even if it is your spouse. A conviction can mean jail, permanent loss of your right to own a gun, as well as hunting privileges, and extended probation with anger counseling.
Violence at home, including domestic assault and violations of a personal protection order (PPO), is a serious issue. Prosecutors vigorously pursue convictions for domestic violence crimes. The issue is rarely as simple as it seems on the surface. Our Mount Pleasant assault attorney can work with you to present a compelling defense.
Whatever the charges against you, you should speak with one of our experienced attorney as soon as possible. Call 989-546-4486, toll free at 888-339-4768, to schedule your free initial consultation.